About the IELTS Test Centre
We pride ourselves in delivering the best and fairest IELTS test experience, so that you can achieve the score you need. We are dedicated to unbiased test administration and treat all test takers with dignity and respect. We scrutinize every test venue location, and carefully select and train our staff to ensure that we provide you with the optimum conditions required on the day of your IELTS test. Our certified examiners undergo extensive training and are regularly monitored for quality control. Above all, we look forward to welcoming you to our network of test centre venues, and seeing you succeed.
We encourage and welcome all registrants, candidates, and/or test takers.
In playing our part to address under representation, we encourage applicants from under-represented groups, in particular, but not exclusively, on grounds of disability. We welcome requests for specific requirements or adjustments to enable participation and engagement in our work and activities. Our partner, the British Council, is committed to policies and practices of equality, diversity, and inclusion across all our collaborative endeavours. For more information, please visit https://www.britishcouncil.org/about-us/our-values/equality-diversity-inclusion.
Building on years of expertise in IELTS test centre training, staff monitoring and test day administration, Coast English Testing was created with the goal of delivering the best IELTS test experience possible. After almost two years of planning, applications and discussions, Coast English Testing became an official British Council IELTS test centre in summer 2015.
We understand the importance of taking the IELTS test. This is why we are constantly looking for ways in which to build on our strengths and improve our service. Please email us your questions or comments or complete a feedback form at one of our test centre venues. All feedback is reviewed and kept confidential. And if we did something you like, please spread the word!