Terms & Conditions
You must:
1.1 provide proof of your identity (passport or National Identity Card) at registration. Contact the test centre to confirm which type of identity document is accepted. Candidates taking the test outside their own country must use a passport;
1.2 inform the test centre of any changes to your identity document before the test date. If you do not do this you will not be allowed to take the test and you will not be eligible for a refund or transfer;
1.3 bring the same identity document on the test day as the one recorded in your application. If you do not do this you will not be allowed to take the test and you will not be eligible for a refund or transfer;
1.4 arrive at the test centre before the scheduled test start time. If you arrive late, you will not be allowed to take the test and you will not be eligible for a refund or transfer;
1.5 leave all personal belongings in the designated belongings area. The only items you may bring into the test room are your approved identity document, standard pen(s), pencil(s) and eraser(s), and a bottle of water (label-free). All electronic devices and all watches must be left in the belongings area and must be switched off. You may be electronically scanned for devices at any time during the test day. Any candidate who breaches these conditions will not receive an IELTS test result or be eligible for a refund or transfer. While the test centre will take all reasonable measures to secure your items in the belongings area, they cannot be held responsible for any loss;
1.6 consent for your identity to be verified both at test registration and on test day. This may include:
o having your photograph taken. You will be required to temporarily remove any covering from your face. Any candidate who refuses to have a photograph taken will not be allowed to sit the test and will not be entitled to a refund. The photograph taken by the test centre will appear on your Test Report Form;
o providing a sample of your signature;
o having your finger scan taken;
1.7 keep only the following items on your desk: your identity document, pen(s), pencil(s), eraser(s), and a bottle of water (label-free);
1.8 tell the invigilator at once if you think you have not been given the correct question paper or if the question paper is incomplete or illegible;
1.9 raise your hand if you need to ask the invigilator something. Candidates may not ask for, and will not be given, any explanation of the test questions;
1.10 attend all four components of the test (listening, reading, writing or speaking). If you do not attend all four components, you will not receive an IELTS test result. Exceptions are possible but must be requested at registration and written approval must be received from the test centre; and
1.11 inform the invigilator on the day of the test if you believe that your performance may be affected by ill health, by the way in which the test is delivered at the test centre or for any other reason. If you have a complaint relating to the delivery of the test, you must submit your complaint to the test centre before you leave the test centre on test day. Complaints relating to the delivery of the test will not be accepted after test day.
2 Your IELTS test result
IELTS on Paper
2.1 Results are issued by test centres, usually 13 days after the test.
2.2 You will receive only 1 copy of your results form (your “Test Report Form”). Replacement copies are not issued in the event of loss or damage.
2.3 The Test Report Form will be issued in your name as it appears on the identity document used at registration. If you find that your personal details are incorrect on the Test Report Form, please contact the test centre where you took the test. Documentation must be provided to verify the correct details. If you change your name after receiving your Test Report Form, the name will not be changed on the Test Report Form.
2.4 Your result may not be issued in the required timeframe if the IELTS Test Partners decide that it is necessary to review any matter associated with your test or the administration of your test. To assist any investigation, you may be required to provide writing and speaking samples. In exceptional circumstances, you may be required to re-take one or more IELTS components.
2.5 Your result may be cancelled after it has been issued if any irregularity is identified. You may be required to re-take one or more IELTS components.
2.6 Your result will be disclosed to the educational institutions, governments (including visa processing authorities), professional bodies and commercial organisations that recognise IELTS scores (“Recognising Organisations”) which you nominated in your application or to which you applied with your Test Report Form, for the purpose of allowing those organisations to verify the result or to carry out any enquiries in relation to suspected malpractice.
2.7 If any of the data on the Test Report Form provided by you or your partner to Recognising Organisations has been altered in any way, your original test result may be cancelled.
3 Cancelling your IELTS test or requesting a transfer
3.1 Please refer to the Cancellation and Refund Policy to check your cancellation and transfer rights.
4 How IELTS uses your information
4.1 The IELTS Test Partners recognise and support the right of IELTS test candidates to privacy.
4.2 When you provide your identity information the IELTS Test Partners link that information to your IELTS test and test result on the Test Report Form. This enables you to submit your Test Report Form to Recognising Organisations and for them to verify your result.
4.3 Test Report Forms will only be sent to those Recognising Organisations nominated by the candidate in their application or at the request of the candidate after the issue of results. When a candidate submits a Test Report Form to a Recognising Organisation they consent to the verification of the result by that organisation.
4.4 The IELTS Test Partners or their authorised representatives may share candidate personal data including without limitation test performance or score data or photographs taken by the test centre with Recognising Organisations or law enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities where required for verification purposes or other purposes to protect the IELTS test and its stakeholders against any form of malpractice. Finger-scan data, where obtained, will not be disclosed to any entity except the IELTS Test Partners.
4.5 The IELTS Test Partners will retain work produced by candidates in the IELTS test and may use it for quality control purposes and for investigations into suspected malpractice. Test score data and test responses, in an anonymous form, may also be used for informational, research, statistical or training purposes.
5 Declaration
5.1 You acknowledge that the IELTS test is jointly owned by the IELTS Test Partners.
5.2 You certify that the information submitted in your IELTS test application is complete, true and accurate.
5.3 You understand that the personal data submitted in your IELTS test application is collected for the purposes of the IELTS test. You accept data, including, without limitation, test performance or score data or photographs taken by the IELTS test centre and your test result may be disclosed by the IELTS Test Partners to those Recognising Organisations to which you apply and to governments (including visa processing authorities) for the purpose of allowing these organisations to verify your test result or to carry out enquiries in relation to suspected malpractice. If the IELTS Test Partners discover that a false or altered Test Report Form has been provided to any of these Recognising Organisations or government authorities you further accept that the IELTS Test Partners may inform the same and provide them with your personal data and any relevant details relating to the work you produce as part of your test taking, including, without limitation, test performance or score data or photographs taken by the IELTS test centre.
5.4 You understand that your personal data may be processed in an anonymous form for statistical and research purposes for the development of Cambridge Assessment English examinations. Cambridge Assessment English and the test centre administering the test confirm that they will not disclose personal information about candidates to others except as stated in this Declaration or to the extent permitted by law.
5.5 You understand that you may view a copy of my personal data submitted in your IELTS test application by contacting Cambridge English.
5.6 You understand that if you want a copy of your finger scan it can only be provided as a Binary Large Object (BLOB) and the request must be made to IDP or British Council. You understand a fee will be charged for access to this information.
5.7 You understand that if the details submitted are incomplete your application may not be processed. You further understand that completing and submitting your IELTS test application does not guarantee enrolment on your preferred test date or at your preferred test location. You understand that your enrolment will be confirmed by email.
5.8 You understand that any personal data collected during the identity verification process by the test centre either at test registration or on test day will be processed and securely stored by the IELTS Test Partners for the purpose of the IELTS test. You acknowledge that the photograph taken of you by the test centre will be provided upon request to any Recognising Organisations or government authorities (including visa processing authorities) to which you apply for the purposes of allowing these organisations to verify your test results or to carry out enquiries in relation to possible malpractice or test integrity issues. You understand that where finger-scan data is obtained it will not be disclosed to any entity except the IELTS Test Partners.
5.9 You understand that you will have your photograph taken by the test centre to allow the Test Report Form to be released. If you have not had your photograph taken by the test centre no result will be issued.
5.10 You understand that the IELTS Test Partners have a responsibility to all candidates and Recognising Organisations to ensure the highest confidence in the accuracy and integrity of test results and that the IELTS Test Partners therefore reserve the right to withhold test results temporarily or permanently, or to cancel test results which have been issued, if they consider those results to be unreliable for reasons of suspected malpractice or any other irregularity in the test process.
5.11 You understand that your result may not be issued 13 days after the test if any of the IELTS Test Partners deem it necessary to review any matter associated with your test or the administration of your test, including making enquiries as to whether any rules or regulations have been breached. You understand that in exceptional circumstances you may be required to re-take one or more IELTS components.
5.12 You understand that if you are suspected of engaging in any form of malpractice, or do anything that might damage the integrity and security of IELTS, you may not receive a test result, your test fee will not be refunded and you may be prohibited from taking the IELTS test in the future. Despite and without limiting any of the terms of this declaration, you understand that details of any malpractice (including evidence of suspected malpractice) that has been established, is suspected, or is being formally investigated may be provided to Recognising Organisations, including visa processing authorities and appropriate regulatory authorities, or otherwise disclosed in accordance with the law, where required for verification purposes or other purposes to protect the IELTS test and its stakeholders against any form of malpractice. You further understand that suspected malpractice will be reported centrally to the IELTS Test Partners and to any relevant test centre by the test centre where the suspected malpractice occurred.
5.13 You understand that if you engage in any form of malpractice, or do anything that might damage the integrity and security of IELTS, you may be banned from taking the IELTS test in the future. You understand that if you are banned you will receive a notification stating the length of the ban. You understand that if you are subject to a ban and you register to take the test, you will not receive a result and you will not be entitled to a refund.
5.14 You understand that if any other person attempts to take the IELTS test in your place (i.e. in place of the person whose details are submitted through the ORPS to register for the relevant IELTS Tests/Materials), both you and such person will be liable to prosecution. Details relating to the situation may be provided to the relevant authorities, including visa processing authorities and appropriate regulatory authorities.
5.15 You understand that the work you produce as part of the IELTS test will be the property of the IELTS Test Partners. You hereby assign to the British Council, by way of present and future assignment, all intellectual property rights (to the extent there are any) in the work you produce as part of the IELTS test. Under no circumstances will IELTS tests be released to candidates or to institutions or organisations, except in the investigation of suspected malpractice whereby the work you produce as part of the IELTS test may be provided to relevant authorities.
5.16 You understand that your IELTS speaking test will be recorded. You also agree that an observer may attend your IELTS speaking test as part of the monitoring process.
5.17 You understand that you will be charged the full test fee upon registration. You understand that if you request a transfer or cancel your test, your right to a refund will be determined in accordance with local legislation.
5.18 You understand that this test result cannot be used for UKVI application purposes and that you will not be eligible for a refund if you subsequently find that you require an IELTS for UKVI test result.
5.19 You acknowledge that you have read, or will read before your IELTS test, the IELTS Information for Candidates booklet.
6 Other Important Terms
6.1 Coast English Testing Inc. reserves the right to:
(a) contact you about your purchases, test day(s), relevant events, and relevant courses to help you prepare. You also agree to receive communications (phone or email) to check in with your experience. You may opt out of such communications by phone, or email at any time.
(b) change the location of your IELTS test (within the same city where you registered). Any change of location will be communicated to you by e-mail; or
(c) cancel an IELTS test and will in that event refund all test fees. Any cancellation or an IELTS test will be communicated to you by e-mail. By registering for a test, you agree to hold Coast English Testing Inc. harmless in the event of a cancellation or change of location.
(d) move your speaking test. Speaking tests are usually held on the same day. However, it may be necessary to schedule your speaking test in advance for a different day. Any change in your speaking test schedule will be communicated to you by e-mail.
Terms and Conditions for Additional Products and Services
1. About these terms
These terms apply to applications through Online Registration and Payment System (ORPS) for the re-marking of your IELTS test results (our Enquiry On Results or EOR service). They explain how a legally binding contract between you and the British Council is entered into for the payment by you and supply by the British Council of the EOR service.
By clicking on the [‘I AGREE’] button, you agree to these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, we cannot process your request for an EOR.
2. About the British Council and IELTS
Information about the British Council and IELTS is set out in the terms and conditions you agreed to when registering for your IELTS test. That information applies equally to each EOR.
3. About the EOR service
You can submit only one EOR application per IELTS and IELTS One Skill Retake (OSR) test.
You can request that some or all of the sections of your IELTS test are remarked if you submit your request within six weeks from the Test Date.
In case you apply for an EOR against your One Skill Retake, such an Enquiry On Result will only apply to the skill you selected to retake.
If you are planning to take an IELTS One Skills Retake (OSR), the outcome of your EOR may affect the overall score of your OSR test.
The outcome of your Enquiry on Result can become available on the same day as your application and up to 21 days after you receive your Order Confirmation (referred to in paragraph 4.3), depending on several factors including the number of sections requested for the re-mark. You will receive an EOR outcome letter stating your result.
Your result may not be issued within 21 days if the IELTS Test Partners decide that it is necessary to review any matter associated with your test or the administration of your test, including marking enquiries as to whether any rules or regulations have been breached or to address technical issues.
For IELTS on Computer: If your results changed due to the EOR, you will be able to access a downloadable and printable version of your electronic Test Report Form (eTRF), from the online booking platform used to register for the test. Where electronic copy of the Test Report Form is available, the IELTS Test Partners cannot post or otherwise provide paper Test Report Forms to test takers who take IELTS on Computer test.
For IELTS on Paper: If your results changed due to the EOR, you will be issued a new paper Test Report Form (TRF).
Your result may be cancelled after it has been issued if any irregularity is identified.
Your result will be disclosed to the educational institutions, governments (including visa processing authorities), professional bodies and commercial organisations that recognise IELTS scores (Recognising Organisations) which you nominated in your application or to which you applied with your Test Report Form, for the purpose of allowing those organisations to verify the result or to carry out any enquiries in relation to suspected malpractice.
If any of the data on the Test Report Form provided by you or your partner to Recognising Organisations has been altered in any way, your original test result and EOR result (if applicable) may be cancelled.
You will receive a refund in full if there is a change in your result(s) to a higher band score as a result of an EOR process, the British Council will make the reimbursement for the EOR service fee paid during the application. The reimbursement will be made using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; you will not incur any fees as a result of the reimbursement. However, if the remark shows no change in the original band score, you will not be eligible for a refund.
4. Paying for your IELTS EOR
You must pay the EOR fee in full in order for the request to be processed. The fee is the same regardless of whether you request a re-mark of all test sections or some test sections. Payment can either be made online or offline.
You must adhere to the EOR payment window displayed on the Online Registration and Payment System (ORPS) and ensure that the payment is received within the stipulated period by the test centre.
An order confirmation email (Order Confirmation) will be sent to you when the British Council has reviewed and accepted your request for an EOR and has received the requisite payment.
Chargebacks Prohibition. You agree that you will not dispute or otherwise seek a “chargeback” from the company whose credit card or other method of payment you use to apply and pay for the EOR or otherwise attempt to reverse payment. If you do so, your EOR request may be cancelled immediately, and the IELTS Test Partners may, at our discretion, refuse to accept future purchases made from accounts on which such chargebacks have been made, and may prohibit future purchases from the account holder, and from any person who applied for an EOR service and reversed payment.
The British Council cannot accept or make payments to banks (or other financial institutions) sanctioned by the UK or any other relevant jurisdiction. Where the British Council discovers evidence of payment from a sanctioned bank and/or sanctioned financial institution we will freeze all funds related to that payment and will be unable to deliver the service for which the payment was intended. Moreover, if you request a refund to be sent to an account at a sanctioned bank and/or sanctioned financial institution, you will be asked to nominate an alternative method of payment that does not breach sanctions, otherwise this will result in non-payment of relevant funds.
5. Cancelling your IELTS EOR request
Once submitted and paid, your application cannot be withdrawn or cancelled.
The British Council may cancel your EOR request if the British Council is unable to provide the relevant EOR in full due to a reason beyond its reasonable control. If the British Council cancels the Contract in these circumstances, you will be entitled to receive a full refund of the price paid.